Friday 4: ¨The dynamic, creative motor¨

Tomorrow dynamics
7 to 8 hs: Monitoring substances. Research. Training group, and components.
8 hs: Mangrullo´s breakfast
9 to 12 hs: Improvisation and analysis of different dynamics. Substances, components and materials that make up movement.
12 to 13 hs: Mangrullo´s lunch
13 to 14 hs: Videos.

Afternoon dynamics
14 to 17 hs: Membership in choreographed duets. Dynamic creativity.
17 to 18 hs: Mangrullo´s snack/Remarks dynamics. Activity written.
18 to 19 hs: Jam ¨Closed Eyes¨Conference of choreographic improvisation.
19 hs: Mangrullo´s dinner
20 t 24 hs: Open Milonga ¨El Mangrullo de Galito¨
Participation of several guest artists (to be confirmed).

Saturday 5: ¨The living space: lines of forces¨

Space morning
5:30 to 8:30 hs: Work capture, observation and investigation of different spaces: its features, lines of force and forces that transform it.
8:30 hs: Mangrullo´s breakfast
9:30 to 12:30 hs: Improvisation from open and closed lines. Projections. Curves and straight lines. Diagonal. Internal and external space. Minimum and maximum. Radios and ensembles. Symmetry, assymmetry.
12:30 hs: Mangrullo´s lunch

Afternoon space
14 to 15:30 hs: Outline choreography in duos, from one of the points discussed above.
15:30 to 17:30 hs: Composition organized group choreographic patterns from space.
17:30 hs: Mangrullo´s lunch/Remarks space: activity in writing.
18:30 to 20 hs: Return to work.
20 hs: Mangrullo´s dinner and AP

Sunday 6: ¨The time until: listen, adaptation, broadcast¨

Morning time
7 hs: Mangrullo´s breakfast
7:45 hs: Observation and listening. Choosing a sound.
8:30 to 12:30 hs: Improvisation from sound.
Music: Analysis/listen/broadcast. Next, simultaneously. Analysis timbre, atmosphere, musical sensitivity, melody, basic musical pulse shapes, bars.
12:30 hs: Mangrullo´s lunch
14 to 16 hs: Choreographic composition based on a musical. Working with 2 pairs.
16 to 17 hs: Final group.
17 to 18 hs: Mangrullo´s snack / Final return. Observations.

Milonga Open:

Saturday 5 September

20 hs. in El Mangrullo de Galito

- Participation of several guest artists -


Cost of transport from Buenos Aires is not included in the price of the encounter.

How to get there:

#By long distance bus: to Villa Gesell bus Terminal. 400 km. 5 hours away from Bs. As.
Transfer from the terminal to “El Mangrullo”, house is free and is by light truck or quadricycle. (15 minutes away).
Tel: 0800-333-1970
Departure: 14:45 hs. Arrive: 20:30 hs.
Departure: 17:30 hs. Arrive: 22:40 hs.
Departure: 17:50 hs. Arrive: 23:30 hs.
Tel: 0810-999-1111
Departure: 14:45 hs. Arrive: 20:25 hs.
Departure: 17:30 hs. Arrive: 22:40 hs.

#By car: along route 2, 1 km past Balneario Mar Azul. When you get to the entrance to Chacras del Mar turn left a drive into the private parking area where you can leave the car during the encounter. Transfer is free from here to “El Mangrullo”, the house. (5 minutes away)
$450 pesos until August 18th
$500 pesos until August 31st (registration closed)

The total price includes:

. Accommodation in shared bedrooms for 2 to 5 guests, with individual beds and shared bathrooms.

. Full board, including home-made vegetarian menu, not only healthy but also delicious.

. Wide range of activities.


Next meeting:

2009 November 19 to 22

in El Mangrullo de Galito
